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Our Sweet World

A picture of three douffles (each with seven balls) with a variety of toppings on each of the three

How do you create a more sweet world? By creating out-of-this-world desserts!​

We are Glazzed and Drizzled who are on a mission to make the best desserts for you! We have a collection of delicious desserts we are bursting to create and hope you come along for the ride~!


Contact us for all your dessert needs!

Variety Holiday Tray.jpg

Who Are We?

We are the dessert experts, the ones with the drive and passion to create douffles and desserts.


She's a Star!

Meet Blossom

Our 1961 Jet Camp Trailer with all the new bells and whistles. She may be old, but she's still kicking around with all her delicious treats in tow. She took us two years to fully renovate make anew, but she's feeling good, light, and spunky.

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